This is an article i had written sometime back for my college didnt get published this same way though. Read through and feel free to comment.....
I guess i just wanted to grab the attention of readers to a funny trend which many college goers(well, at least in my college) follow...
Puma.n\-a large American wild cat with a plain tawny to grayish coat, found from Canada to Patagonia…..
That is the meaning of Puma according to the Mobile Oxford Dictionary. Though the guys at Oxford made one big factual error. The “PUMA” is not only limited to the wilderness of USA. We believe it packed itself in a box, loaded itself on a BOEING 747 and flew all the way to India, and now can be found roaming around everywhere; especially in college campuses. The only difference is that the regal cat has been reduced to a puny moulded insignia; in which it appears to jump, sadly even from slippers!!!
Its funny how Indians, especially the youth have a fascination for all things American; whether it be riveted jeans (LEVI’s) or even sugar coated chocolate(m & m’s). The only criteria for something to be hip and happening it seems, is the amount of digits on the price tag. THE MORE, the MERRIER!!!
We wonder why these multinational companies spend so much time and money on advertising their products, when we have walking talking billboards all around us. No seriously, just observe how many people are dressed from head to toe with PUMA merchandise. PUMA headbands, PUMA shirts, PUMA bags, PUMA watches, tracks, slippers, shoes etc. etc. And we were under the misconception that PUMA only made shoes. Now, how exactly does a company that forces kids in 3rd world countries to make shoes for other more "privileged" kids in 3rd world countries start manufacturing watches or even high end sunglasses.
No don’t get us wrong we don’t hate PUMA. We just dislike the idea of people being so loud and open about the fact that they own PUMA goods. Be humble fellow college-goers!!
In fact its good to see a multinat make it big in India. Its an indicator that India is in hyper-drive on the freeway to ECONOMIC STARDOM. Recession or no recession the American jumping cat has definitely got its spring powered boots on and it doesn’t seem to be landing on earth anytime soon….
The Nutty Optimist.........
p.s. I finally got my dell laptop.....YAYYY...kinda busy with unboxing it!!! thats why the old article....