Thursday, July 16, 2009


Hey there this is something i am writing for my current humor report......dunno if its going to be selected or not but im sure it will make someone smile....This is about the fact that our country is a rather "smelly" one and i dunno about your college but there certainly exists a whole panorama of smells in my college....anyway here goes:-

the nutty optimist


I was told by our chief editor not to use the word stink because it would be impolite and i promised him that i would try my best.....Come to think of it, it is NOT a stink....its NOT even close....its huge, so huge that everyone experiences it in every single day of existence in this college!

Still baffled about what im trying to talk about....well its the huge variety of smells you get while wandering through our very own campus....By the way sorry for not introducing myself. I am J.A.C.K.(thats, Just Another College Kid) and meet my friends W.H.A.C.K.(Weirdly Heroic Average College Kid) and C.R.A.C.K(Crazy and Retarded Average College kid).....dont ask any questions about the generous use of dots in our first names...ITS A LONG STORY!

So there we were, three of us strolling along the road between the Staff quarters and the Girls Hostels’ when suddenly this awesome “smell” hit our noses, I say hit because it was so powerful that our tiny brains were literally knocked out of our already half empty was worse than being hit by a ten tonne truck(I say this, because C.R.A.C.K. was once in that situation, thats why hes a little cuckoo!. Dont tell him i told you so though...hes a bit sensitive!). Immediately the three of us began wondering what could be the cause of that horribly beautiful smell. W.H.A.C.K. said it was because of the leftover food from the mess, C.R.A.C.K. thought that it was because of the huge heap of what seemed to be dog droppings in the corner(We had to stop him before he dipped his finger and took a taste).....

Anyway travelling through the same area again the next day we noticed that the smell had not disappeared but had been replaced with an equally powerful, mystifying smell. W.H.A.C.K. decided to get to the bottom of this mystery.....

He hasnt had much luck figuring it out what those smells are. However he does tell me that the smell is not just limited to that particular area...ITS EVERYWHERE.....the food court, the backgate and most importantly inside our very own mess.....Wonderfully though the “smell” does two things. It either draws you towards it just like Rakhi Sawant attracts primetime news reports or it REPELS you just like a friend who does not wash his hands after a visit to the urinal!

I guess the “smell” is a part and parcel of living in India....and frankly we three are proud of it! Who would want their country to smell like a laminated piece of existence! Would you?

P.s. oh WTF!

4 Bubbles of thought that managed to go POP!!:

Anandit _ Andy said...


The Nutty Optimist said...

yup...welcome to my life!

Esther said...

haha it certainly made me smile. There were bad experiences with the whole of the "SMELL" thing near my college too. There's a lake here which stinks, I mean smells like eeeeekkkk but still people love it and hang out right there. Especially couples, they sit there and enjoy the lake view. But dude that place stinks!!

Good one looking forward to read more.

The Nutty Optimist said...

hey thanks....glad you liked it.....well we have a lake too but nobody actually hangs out there coz a.) its super public and b.)boating there costs a fortune.......